CARE International Workshop Series

Collaborative Agents Research & Development | CARE Workshops
An international workshop series on intelligent and autonomous agents that need to collaborate under uncertainty and incompleteness.
CARE 2019
CARE for a Smarter Health
AAMAS-19, Montreal, Canada
CARE 2018
CARE for a Smarter Health
IJCAI-ECAI-18, Stockholm, Sweden
CARE 2016
CARE for Digital Education
AAMAS 2016, Singapore
CARE 2015
CARE for Social Apps and
Ubiquitous Computing
AAMAS 2015, Istambul, Turkey
CARE 2014
CARE for Intelligent Mobile Services
AAMAS 2014, Paris, France
CARE 2013
CARE for a Smarter Society
AIH 2013, Dunedin, NZ
CARE 2011
AAMAS 2011, Taipei, Taiwan
CARE 2010
IAT 2010, Toronto, Canada
CARE 2009
AI 2009, Melbourne, Australia

Lectures Notes in Artificial Intelligence 11326 Artificial Intelligence in Health Revised Selected Papers from the First International Workshop, AIH 2018 Editors: Koch, F., Koster, A., Riaño, D., Montagna, S., Schumacher, M., Teije, A., Guttmann, C., Reichert, M., Bichindaritz, I., Herrero, P., Lenz, R., Lopez, B., Marling, C., Martin, C., Montani, S., Wiratunga, N. (Eds.) ISBN 978-3-030-12738-1

Collaborative Agents Research and Development, CARE 2016 and Second International Workshop on Social Computing in Digital Education, Croatia, 2016, Revised Selected Papers

Collaborative Agents Research and Development, CARE 2015 and Second International Workshop on Multiagent Foundations of Social Computing, MFSC 2015, Istanbul, Turkey, May 4, 2015, Revised Selected Papers

Agent Technology for Intelligent Mobile Services and Smart Societies. CARE 2014 & AVSA 2014. Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science, v 498, 2015.

CARE@AI09 2009, CARE@IAT10. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 6066. Guttmann, Christian, Dignum, Frank, Georgeff, Michael (Eds.). 187p, 2011.