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CARE 2009 - International Workshop on Collaborative Agents Research & Development

In conjunction with the 22nd Australasian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI'09)


Dr. Christian Guttmann

Monash University, Australia


Michael Georgeff

PrecedenceHealthCare, Australia


Frank Dignum

University Utrecht, Netherlands


Professor Michael Luck

Kings College, University of London

Flexible Behaviour Regulation in Agent Based Systems


Fabian Held. 

University of New South Wales, Australia 

Exploring the Dynamics of Business-to-Business Networks using Agent-Based Models 


Mirco Gelain, Maria Silvia Pini, Francesca Rossi, K. Brent Venable and Toby Walsh. 

Universita' di Padova, Italy

University of New South Wales, Australia 

Male optimality and uniqueness in stable matching problems with partial orders 


Toby Walsh. 

University of New South Wales, Australia 

Manipulability of Single Transferable Voting 


Frank Dignum, Huib Aldewereld, John Tranier and Virginia Dignum. 

Utrecht University, Netherlands

Agent Based Crisis Management 


Waiho Wong. 

University of Sydney, Australia

Collaborative Learning in Uncertain Environments 


Christian Guttmann, Ian Thomas, Michael Georgeff, Leelani Wickramasinghe, Hamid Gharib, Simon Thompson and Heinz Schmidt. 

Monash University, Australia

British Telecom, United Kingdom

Towards an Intelligent Agent Framework to Manage and Coordinate Collaborative Care 


Brenton Prettejohn and Mark McDonnell. 

University of South Australia

Effect of network topology in opinion formation models 


Guanyi Li, Ying Ma, Yingsai Dong and Zengchang Qin. 

Beihang University, Beijing, China

Behaviour Mining in the Minority Games 


Chetan Yadati Narasimha, Cees Witteveen and Yingqian Zhang. 

Delft University of Technology, Netherlands

Plan coordination in Hospital Patient treatment



1st December 2009.

ICT Building, University of Melbourne.

Melbourne, Australia.


Collaboration is required when multiple agents achieve complex goals that are difficult or impossible to attain for an individual agent. This collaboration takes place under conditions of incomplete information, uncertainty, and bounded rationality, much of which has been previously studied in economics and artificial intelligence. However, many real world domains are characterised by even greater complexity, including the possibility of unreliable and non-complying collaborators, complex market and incentive frameworks, and complex transaction costs and organisational structures. This workshop's thematic focus is on collaborative and autonomous agents that plan, negotiate, coordinate, and act under this complexity.


This workshop aims to foster discussions on computational models of collaboration in distributed systems, addressing a range of theoretical and practical issues. We seek contributions of members in research and industry that use the agent paradigm to approach their problems.



  • Iyad Rahwan (British University of Dubai, United Arab Emirates)

  • Kobi Gal (Harvard University, United States of America)

  • Simon Thompson (British Telecom Research Laboratories, United Kingdom)

  • Cees Witteveen (Delft University of Technology, Netherlands)

  • Mathijs de Weerdt (Delft University of Technology, Netherlands)

  • Gord McCalla (University of Saskatchewan, Canada)

  • Andrew Gilpin (Hg Analytics, United States of America)

  • David Morley (SRI International, United States of America)

  • Kumari Wickramasinghe (Monash University, Australia)

  • Liz Sonenberg (Melbourne University, Australia)

  • Sascha Ossowski (University Rey Juan Carlos, Spain)

  • Samin Karim (Accenture, Australia)

  • Lawrence Cavedon (NICTA and RMIT University, Australia)

  • Michael Winikoff (University of Otago, New Zealand)

  • Rafael Bordini (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil)

  • Wayne Wobcke (University of New South Wales, Australia)

  • Marcelo Blois Ribeiro (Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil)




CARE is of interest to an academic and industrial research community that uses and extends AI and multi-agent systems. This edition's topics of interest include with no limitation:

  • How to enable agents to reach and maintain joint agreements in complex organisational and market driven domains?

  • How to develop a comprehensive agreement formation/maintenance framework applicable to many application domains?

  • How to build and extend MAS that work efficiently in partially regulated markets (instead of free or fully regulated markets)?

  • How to identify and represent conceptual/formal components of organisational structures (e.g., health care and other service-oriented domains)?

  • How organisational structures influence the negotiation of agents and the distribution/execution of tasks?

    Similarly, what are the implications of a partially regulated market on negotiation/distribution/execution of tasks?

  • How to design markets that are adequate for agents to act with incomplete and uncertain information of the behaviour of collaborating agents?

  • How to cope with unreliable and non-conformant collaborators, where agreements are made but are not always conformed with.

    Which measures of optimality and efficiency are useful in evaluating models of collaboration by means of theory and simulation?

  • How can interventions and incentive structures assist in reaching and maintaining agreements?

  • How to assign transaction costs to actions in the planning, assignment, and execution stages (e.g., costs incurred by reaching and maintaining agreements)?

  • How can transaction costs influence the social outcome of the system which is further influenced by the organisational context under which the collaboration takes place?

  • Can lessons learnt in game theoretic computation inform collaborative agent settings?

  • How can agents collectively acquire knowledge about their environment, and their collaborative tasks?

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